* Life log
* Acknowledgements
* Gratitudes
* Am I making it up, or is it true?
* Stretch/Risk/Die
* Checking 1-10 scale
* Shifting language
* Letting go of filters
* Cost vs Benefit
* The 4 A's
Acknowledge your feelings
Allow time to process
Ask, "What am I committed to?"
Act on your commitments
* Allowing space
* Breath
* "No one can be fearless alone"
* Fearbuster Teams
* Core Need
* Setting yourself up for success
* Forgiveness
* Forgiveness letters
* Seeing innocence
* Ask yourself "What do I need right now?"
* Be still and then be open
* Risk Formula:
Release you attachment to the outcome
Invest in your intention
Stand for your commitments
Keep kindness a priority
* Proactive Behaviors
* Awareness
* Willingness
* Connection
* Compassion
* Accountable
* Present Moment
* Surrender
* Possibilities
* Intention
* Trust
* Passion
* Love
* More to come...