
Come get lit up!
Fearless Generations

Vicki Garcia
At this workshop, you'll learn Rhonda Britten's 12 Steps to Freedom over the course of a very interactive 2-day event.
Present Moment
As we near the end of 2018, there is no better time than now to start thinking about who you want to be in 2019.
With Rhonda Britten's 12 Principles as your guide, we will create a clear path of change to get there.
Over our two days together you will begin to see the light around your choices and plug into new circuits of thought.
As you start to increase your Awareness around where you are and where you want to be, you'll become more Willing to step out of your comfort zone. As you Connect over the two days with yourself and others, you'll learn and express Compassion for your previous choices.
You will leave the workshop more ready for change than when you came with, and a clear next step of action. You will have access to more support, tools, and strategies than ever!
And this year you will be much better equipped to keep your New Year changes all year long!

We are so excited to have Vicki Garcia join us in Seattle and Co-Facilitate this Pathway of Change Workshop with us!! Vicki is a Master/Mentor Certified Fearless Living Coach and Certified Fearless Trainer. We are honored to have her by our side.
We are excited to see you at the Live workshop on November 10th and 11th in Everett, WA.
Remember that we will be starting at 9 am on the first day and going until 7 pm. We will have a lunch break and several breaks during the day. Also, several fearbuster exercises during the day to keep you moving and interacting.
November 10th - 11th
9:00 am to 7:00 pm first day
9:00 am to 5:00 pm second day
Everett First Church of the Nazarene
2502 Lombard
Everett WA 98206

For information on hotel rooms or which airport to fly into, please contact Kelly Fox at kellylsfox@gmail.com