Join us for our Speaker Event
on December 18th from 5 to 8 pm PT
There are 2 kinds of tickets available
There is our Basic ticket which gets you into the event and able to fully participate.
Then we also have our VIP ticket which includes an event box that has items from the task force, speakers, and me. You get a recording of the event as well.
Our Silent Auction takes place in our Facebook Group. It starts at 7 am and ends at 10 pm PT

Last year we had items like this...

You might ask me, Kelly why do you do this fundraiser every year? or why do you earn money for the Task Force? I do this fundraiser in memory of my dad Dick Sayre. He committed suicide on December 18th, 1993. I want people to know that my dad was an amazing man. He was the most selfless man I have ever known, and he was in a pain I hope I never know. Most people don't understand depression unless they have it too. It's not talked about and suicide is even more taboo. Here at Break the Silence we want to take away the shame, the stigma, the lies, and falsehoods. We want you to know you can ask, you can talk, you can find support here. The Tulare County Suicide Prevention Task Force does this too. Their LOSS Team is there on-site with the family at the same time as the police and emergency services. They hold their hand answer the questions they can and cry with them if that's what they need. They are there for them after too. They also do educational and support preventive efforts as well. I would have benefited from an organization like this, yet it was not provided 29 years ago. I want to make sure it stays available for anyone going forward. Hopefully, the need for the LOSS team will diminish, until then I am grateful for these people who will be there for those that are in the dark, with a little light.


Break the Silence Speaker Event
We are honored to bring you, excellent speakers. They support, educate, and inspire our mission of
suicide prevention.
On December 18th, 2023 on Zoom we will meet together as one, in an effort to create a safe space to share and know we are not alone.
Our speakers are donating their time and talents to us with the desire to create change. Change for you, your loved ones, and the world. They will stand as a light in the darkness to all who need them.
Here is the lineup for this year's speaker event.
Click this link to register for this event. At this time you will be also giving a $25 donation to the Task Force. Thank you!
Or you can purchase a VIP ticket for a $50 donation. This will make you eligible to receive an event box, full of gifts from the task force, our speakers, and Break the Silence. There are only 20 of these tickets available so act fast. We will try our best to get you your box before the event. Thank you!!
We here at Break the Silence want you to know how important you are in spreading the word about our mission and fundraiser. Please share this with those you know it would benefit. Thank you again! We will break the silence together.
Join our group here

Elaine Williams is a video performance coach and comedian who has over a decade of experience working with entrepreneurs to build confidence and a captivating presence on camera to get their message out in the world with authenticity, ease, and humor. Some of her credits include Saturday Night Live, America’s Got Talent, HBO, TV Networks, The New York Times & the Huffington Post.
Her clients have gone from never doing video or speaking live to having their own YouTube Channels, doing International Book Tours, and speaking for NASA.
This topic resonates deeply with her, her past addictions, and her family history.

Katy Kaumeyer is a kid at heart bursting with enthusiasm for all the exciting possibilities. She imagines herself a superhero, but in reality - she's a single mom to two adult kiddos, a caregiver to her adult-disabled son, and an entrepreneur. With an unwavering belief that anyone can succeed, Katy collaborates with others so they can go from merely building a business to leaving a lasting legacy. Her mission is to empower others, ensuring they never lose sight of just how AWESOME they are!
Her driving force is helping those that hurt, those who need to be reminded they are not alone, that they are stronger than they know, and that they can overcome.

Jackie Jones has been with the Tulare County Suicide Prevention Task since 2011. She has had the pleasure of working with them, and she is very proud to be a part of the founding members of our Tulare County LOSS Team, which was launched 10 years ago! Getting to connect with family and loved ones after losing someone to suicide has provided her the opportunity to serve some of the most vulnerable hearts through postvention, which is ultimately prevention!
Being able to connect and share information and resources is always a vital part of her efforts and this event offers SPTF space to connect with resources and honor those lost to suicide.