Bridging Fear to Freedom
Are you looking for something more? You may not know what it is, you just know that you want more than you currently have? Maybe you know what you want, yet you are unclear on how to get it?
You will gain massive awareness around who you are when you are in fear and you will know forward steps to take to move you to live in freedom.
It is normal to want more. It is not selfish to want to better your life. This life is meant to be joyful. Wanting enjoyment and passion for your life is good.

Fearless Generations has a 6-week study class for you that will get you clarity on what your "more" is and how to start walking towards it.
This class will provide awareness and the skills you will need to take action. If you are ready, this class has the power to change your life and shift your trajectory.
Come join us, cross over to the freedom side.
Starting February 19th to March 25th
This is a 1-hour class. Every Monday for 6 weeks.
The class will include reading 5 chapters from Rhonda Britten's book Fearless Living.
You will receive a comprehensive workbook that will have thought-provoking questions for each section.
There are questions and exercises in the chapters as well.
Most of all, you will receive ongoing guidance and support from Terry and Kelly, two highly trained Advanced Certified Fearless Living Coaches.